
Hearing protection

Foam earplugs: The most common type of hearing protection, foam earplugs, are readily available at retail stores and do not require professional fitting. They are usually used for one-time exposure to hazardous noise.

Tactical earplugs: These are reusable and available in multiple sizes. Plugs are installed by a professional to fit the ear perfectly. Tactical earplugs are used in situations where it is important to maintain good communication and situational awareness – such as police and military. Hearing protection kits for firearms include special earplugs that provide additional noise reduction.

Tactical Headset: Electric hearing protectors provide noise protection and sound isolation. Electric headphones allow users to hear their surroundings while protecting their ears from high noise levels. They are a popular choice among sports shooters and hunters alike, providing effective hearing protection without completely drowning out environmental sounds.

It is important to remember that hearing protection is important not only for short-term noise situations, but also for long-term noise or repeated exposure. Therefore, it is recommended to use appropriate hearing protection according to the specific environment and activity. Hearing protection must be checked and maintained regularly to ensure its effectiveness and longevity.

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